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The Xsabo Group is committed to implementing human capital policies, programmes and systems through a corporate approach that reduces organizational redundancies and uses capable and cost-effective human resource information technology systems to deliver expected results. 
We deliver value through great people, a great place to work and a high-performance culture. 
Ours is a talented, diverse, mobile and motivated workforce that is well positioned to meet current and future business objectives.
All new staff undergo an On-Boarding Programme to optimally integrate them within The Xsabo Group not only by giving them the tools and information they need to become productive members of the Xsabo team, but also by reinforcing its culture and values as well as our codes of conduct and professional ethics. 
Assignment of a mentor during the On-Boarding period helps new employees settle down quickly. 
We consider On-the-Job Training and continued development to be crucial for high performance. 
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High Performance Culture

Some of the 400+ workers who made The Xsabo Group’s pilot solar power plant (20MW) in Kabulasoke (Gomba District) possible. Next in line are Xsabo Nkonge Solarline (20MW) while deskwork for Xsabo Lira Solarline (50MW) and a number of off-grid solar power solutions are under finalization. 

Our performance management and development systems ensure effective and efficient management of both employee and organizational performance.
The process for all employees embraces new trends of continuous feedback and coaching and includes performance planning, monitoring, implementation, feedback, evaluation and individual development plans.
Performance Management
An Annual Retreat of all staff at all levels brings all Group employees together once a year in a specially chosen location to foster our team spirit, assess performance in the preceding financial period and deliberate on matters of importance to the business. 
Recent Annual Retreat locations have included Chobe Safari Lodge in Uganda.
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Annual Staff Retreat
Implementing a performance management system that blends the business goals, role competencies and individual development plans is a pivotal function of our human resource managers. On the other hand, due recognition of the contribution of our staff to the achievements of The Xsabo Group is a key part of our human resource philosophy. The Total Rewards Philosophy of The Xsabo Group is built around these two factors.
The Total Rewards philosophy of The Xsabo Group thus encompasses not only compensation and benefits, but also professional growth opportunities and a motivating work environment, which in turn also addresses Work and Life Balance.
Our reward programmes are thus geared to attract and retain qualified employees at all levels – locally, nationally and internationally. 
Total Rewards

Commercial Diplomacy, Business Networking, Consulting

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